
My Linux Setup Guide

I love using Linux, and I run it next to my OS X installation in my MacBook Pro. This post is simply a recompilation of all the things I do to enhance my Linux experience, I'll keep it updated since it's also my To-Do list for every fresh install I do (which I do a lot btw) and I'll be adding things along the way.

I usually use Ubuntu, Elementary or Fedora so on the mean time, those will be the distributions I'll focus on.

Ubuntu (and all it's derivatives)

Install the latest versions

Even though the Ubuntu Software Center has been moved to Software in Ubuntu 16.04, many software is still not installable from it and many versions show as not available so I'm more comfortable doing it the apt way, besides I love having everything up to date, bleeding edge kind of guy.


To get the latest git version, you can install it from the git-core maintainers ppa which holds the latest version of git for Ubuntu.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa


sudo add-apt-repository

Java JDK 8

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk


sudo apt install apache2


curl | sh

Node JS

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -


sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys BBEBDCB318AD50EC6865090613B00F1FD2C19886

Fix some issues

Headphones Jack Red Light in MacBook Pro

This has only happened to me with my Mac but it may happen in other computers too, if you now see a red light coming out of your headphones jack, it is the optic output of audio working, not sure why this happens but you can fix it easily, just run this command and make it run on every boot.

amixer set IEC958,16 off


Install Fedy

Fedy makes it very easy to install things like Google Chrome, Atom, Java etc.

bash -c 'su -c "curl -o fedy-installer && chmod +x fedy-installer && ./fedy-installer"'

Node JS

curl --silent --location | bash -


sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo=

Fix some issues

Headphones Jack Red Light in MacBook Pro

This has only happened to me with my Mac but it may happen in other computers too, if you now see a red light coming out of your headphones jack, it is the optic output of audio working, not sure why this happens but you can fix it easily, just run this command and make it run on every boot.

amixer -c 0 sset "IEC958",16 off

No Wi-Fi in Macbook Pro

You may notice the wifi is not even recognized. Run:

sudo dnf install broadcom-wl

Disable IR Receiver

If you have an apple TV and your IR receiver is on, it's going to be like hell, thankfully you can unload it. You should add this as a startup command.

sudo rmmod hid_appleir